Our dairy farms are family owned, passing from one generation to the next.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is naturally suited to the sustainable production of high quality dairy products. The high annual average rainfall of 1136 mm (30 year average) and moderate climate is naturally suited for growing high quality grass and producing milk.
Our dairy farms are family owned, passing from one generation to the next. The milk processing facilities are mainly owned and managed by farmers’ co–operatives, extending this ownership ethos throughout the supply chain. DAERA supports this sustainability through education and training services to both farmers and processors.
At the College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprise, the dairy unit meets farmer education and training needs and the food technology centre provided education and training, along with product development and other specialised services to the processing industry. A high level of investment both on farms and in processing plants demonstrates the commitment of our dairy industry to long term consistency and sustainability.